Can I be honest with you?
I spent the better half of this week feeling discouraged and dissatisfied.
And if I’m being REALLY honest, I feel this way often, and frequently when it ought to be least likely.
I wonder if you can relate?
Take my week, for example. Last week was a stellar week for me!
- I met all of my personal and work goals.
- Checked off EVERY item on my to-do list. C’mon now!
- Saw great improvement with my website.
- Experienced some beautiful, tender moments with Jesus.
- Received positive feedback on a very raw post I had written.
- I even witnessed a HUGE answer to prayer!
There is no rhyme or reason as to why I felt so discouraged.
I should have felt elated, productive, accomplished, and…well, satisfied.
But instead I found myself asking, “Is this all there is?”
“Why do I feel so dissatisfied?”
“Surely, there’s got to be more to life than this?”
Have you ever been there?
As I wrestled with these feelings of discouragement, I took my questions to the Lord. And in that place, I was quietly reminded of a similar experience had by Elijah, in 1 Kings 18.
Elijah had just come off of a mountaintop experience.
He literally just witnessed a miraculous and mighty move of God, yet shortly after this mountaintop high, he is found lying in the valley lows of depression.
So much so that he asked God to take his life.
Talk about extremes!
I have often read this passage and wondered how on earth Elijah could go from one extreme to another so quickly?
I mean, if I were to have an experience with the Almighty like THAT, surely it would be a long time in coming- if ever– that I would be prone to losing hope so easily.
How quick I am to judge.
The truth is, even our greatest accomplishments:
- Marriage
- Children
- Job promotion
- 1,000 page likes
- Successful book launch
- Recognition
- Hefty retirement balance
Regardless of what they are…will leave us wanting.
Even our greatest accomplishments- regardless of what they are- will always leave us wanting. Share on X
But here’s the thing- our dissatisfaction shouldn’t alarm us. King Solomon understood firsthand the feelings of discontentment as seen when he penned the following words:
(Ecclesiastes 2:11) “Then I considered all that my hands had done and the toil I had expended in doing it, and behold, all was vanity and a striving after wind, and there was nothing to be gained under the sun.”
I considered all my hands had done, and determined that all was just a chasing after the wind…
Have you ever felt that way? I know I sure have!
What should we do when we struggle with feelings of discouragement and dissatisfaction?
There are 3 truths I’ve found to be helpful when walking through seasons of discouragement, even when- and perhaps most especially when- on the heels of a spiritual high.
Perhaps you will find them helpful too.
#1. This World is Not Our Home.
This life is but a reflection of what is to come.
We are only sojourners here on earth- passing through- from this life to the next. We will never be truly satisfied this side of heaven, because we were made for something more.
CS Lewis once said, “If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”
Scripture encourages us to keep our mind fixed on the things above- our heavenly home. Therein lies our true treasure.
If we merely remain focused on what this world has to offer, we will always come up short. There is a part of us that will always be somewhat unsatisfied.
By keeping our eyes fixed on the prize, we stand a better chance of finishing strong, and remaining content in the meantime.
(Colossians 3:2) “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”
#2. We Find Our life When We Lose It.
We will never be happy spending the best of our days promoting ourselves and our desires, because- newsflash- it’s not about us.
It’s not about me, myself and I. About what I can get. Or what will make me happy.
It’s not about recognition, or praise, or fame. It never has been, and it never will be.
Jesus came to seek and save the lost- NOT seek and save Himself. We would be wise to learn from His example.
I am convinced that contentment is found in serving. When we lay our lives down for one another, we experience the kind of satisfaction, that Jesus lived.
(Matthew 20:27-28) “and whoever would be first among you, must be your servant, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
#3. True Satisfaction is Found in Jesus.
Want to know what I think? I think it’s okay to feel unsatisfied. It serves as a reminder that only God can truly satisfy the longing of our heart.
There is a popular quote by Blaise Pascal that is frequently repeated, “there is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of each man which cannot be satisfied by any created thing, but only by God the creator, made known through Jesus Christ.”
Pascal was a wise man!
No thing, or person, or accomplishment will ever truly satisfy and bring us lasting joy, but if we are wise, we will allow our God-shaped vacuum to draw us closer to the source of all joy Himself- Jesus Christ.
May we continue to draw our satisfaction from The Giver of all good things, remembering that the longing of our soul is met in Him alone.
(Psalm 107:9) “For He satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul He fills with good things.”
In closing, I have discovered that most often when we feel dissatisfied with life, especially on the heels of a great accomplishment, it is an indication that something is in need of adjustment.
When we are dissatisfied with life, it is an indication that something is in need of adjustment. Share on XI have a bad neck. One hasty move in the wrong direction can throw my spine into a tailspin.
Sometimes, the effect is immediate- excruciating and debilitating.
But most often, it’s subtle- a gnawing, building, aggravating, sense that something is off.
A simple adjustment by my chiropractor in the right area, brings immediate realignment and ultimately, relief.
Can you see where I’m going with this?
Sometimes that gnawing, building, aggravating dissatisfaction that we feel is due to something being slightly off track.
Let it lead you to the Father.
Pray. Ask Him if there’s something somewhere that needs some adjusting.
Each one of us is created on purpose, for a purpose. Deep down I believe we know this to be true.
We were created to live a story that is so much bigger than ourselves. A story that is God-breathed, God-inspired, and God-ordained.
Until we find and fulfill that purpose, we will be left feeling empty and dissatisfied.
Imagine God as your heavenly chiropractor. Allow Him to make the proper adjustments- realigning you with HIS vision, that will ultimately lead you into a more satisfying life.
Until we find and fulfill our purpose, we will be left feeling empty and dissatisfied. Share on X
What about you? Are you dissatisfied with life?
Do you long for something more?
Which one of the points above most resonates with you?
What will you do about it?
I’d love to hear your response in the comments below!
**If you are struggling to discover YOUR purpose in life, allow me to direct you to this post, where you are sure to find the answer!**
And now for our featured post!
Meet Misty!
“God has a purpose for the special needs child. Uniquely created, yet in the image of God. Just like everyone else who is alive and breathing on planet earth- they have a calling on their life and were made for a purpose.” ~Misty Phillip
I chose Misty’s post this week, because I have many wonderful friends with beautiful special needs children, who often feel alone in their unique set of circumstances. Friends who long for support and understanding.
Misty does a fabulous job of incorporating both!
If you are a parent of a special needs child, head on over to Misty’s blog to grab some encouragement for yourself!
If you’re not, but you know of someone who is, then consider sharing her post with them. Who knows if you won’t be the exact kind of blessing that they need today!
Thank you for sharing with us this week, Misty! Feel free to grab your “featured” button here, if you so choose.
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Rachel, this sounds a lot like a recent week I had as well. Learning to accept the emotions and “homesickness” of being home with our Father forever is a good thing, but for those of us who so much want to keep experiencing that high of happiness it can make it challenging. I used to fight to keep everyone and everything “A okay,” (control = anxiety) and through my journey of letting go I have learned to embrace the painful parts too, the messy days, and the times I don’t meet my goals. Grace is something I think we have to accept daily or we get on the bandwagon of “Oh, I already did that” and kinda subconsciously live trying to do it on our own. At least that’s how it was for me. Jesus is for us each day, and he is with us on the valleys and mountaintops alike woot! Love your openness. I always feel like you write what it’s in my own heart. It’s pretty cool to know there’s another somewhere who gets ya. Thanks friend.
I resonate with all of what you wrote here! I appreciate you, Meghan. We’re like sisters from different misters! Lol
Leaning into grace is a must! I’m getting better and better at it, of late. 😉
Thanks for your comment. <3
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I relate, Rachel. We go from mountain top to valley. We forget that even after coming to Christ as Savior, there’s still a void only Jesus is meant to fill. Surface things will never satisfy. Amen and Amen! Thanks for the reminder. I wrote a blog post about the only satisfaction 100% guaranteed…Jesus! 🙂
Awesome! Fine minds think alike. 😉 Thanks for stopping in Karen! Have a fabulous Easter!
When Jesus talked about living waters, He absolutely meant what He said! Thanks for this reminder, Rachael. Do have a blessed Easter, this Easter.
So true Boma! Thank you, friend. You as well. <3
Yes I have felt this way alot! I think Jesus is happy when we are poured out for Him, but He still allows us to want more so we will be filled by Him. TY for this super beautiful post Rachel! ❤
Yes! Love the way you worded that, Donna! Have a blessed weekend. <3
I understand it completely, and I don’t always get things done that I’d like to. On Jesus can satisfy us.
Amen! Have a wonderful Easter, Rebecca!
We so need to remind ourselves that this world is not our home. We are just passing through. May we filter all of our longings through this most important truth. Then we will long for Him and all that he has for us, resulting in true and lasting satisfaction. May you and your family have a blessed Easter.
Yes! My prayer… Thank you Joanne! Blessings to you this Easter! <3
I love that part of Elijah’s story. It reminds me that even those whom God used in amazing ways still felt affected by the emotions of this life. Your points at the end here are spot on! I need the reminder that this world is not my home!
Yes! It’s so comforting to know that. Thanks for visiting today, Emily. Have a wonderful Easter Sunday! <3
I can’t remember the last time I checked everything off my to do list! But they are all empty accomplishments unless I’m being fed by my Source. Thanks for the encouragement today.
Honestly, I can’t remember when I have been so accomplished either! But you’re right- they are all empty unless fed by the Source! Love that! Blessings, friend! 🙂
So lovely, Rachel. (And, can I just say “wow!” that you finished your whole to-do list?!) In the bustle of living, it’s easy to find ourselves ‘misaligned,’ isn’t it? I’ve been there way too many times, myself. Thank you for the reminder that we’re made for more. xoxo
Misaligned…yep! Thanks Brenda. Praying you have a wonderful Easter. <3
I’ve always liked that Chambers quote. We are made for another world, aren’t we! Great points. I’ll be chewing on a couple of them.
Truly we are! Thanks Donna. Blessings to you. 🙂
Great post, Rachel- to find myself in losing myself is my prayer. tweeted (twice!)
Mine too! Thanks Sue. 😉 Have a great Easter!
I laughed out loud on point 2. “newsflash…it’s not about you
I needed this reminder. I’ve been riding the line of pursuing what I believe God is calling me to with excellence and paying attention to the minutia that can bog down and discourage.
I really appreciate each and every point, which were good reminders to evaluate my focus. I agree that dissatisfaction generally comes from too much of a self focus.
This made me smile, JD. 🙂 Thanks for your transparency. I think many of us struggle in this area. It’s a fine balance.
Praying God gives you what you need to be able to focus on what He has called you to, gracefully. <3
I love the wisdom you share! So often I try to find satisfaction in what I do and find myself disappointed that I didn’t receive something more in return. I love your analogy of the chiropractor! May God adjust what he needs to know my life.
We’ve all been there, haven’t we? It’s an easy, but disappointing cycle. We are most satisfied when we are directly in the center of God’s will- which I’ve realized looks a lot like loving and serving. So glad you stopped by here today! Happy to connect with you. 🙂
Loved this post and your honesty. I’d love to share this
at one of my blog sites if I may.
Carol, thank you for the kind words. You are more than welcome to link to this post, if you should like. 🙂
Rachel, you are so right! We can feel so discouraged and depressed even when good things have happened in our lives! If we don’t realize the truth about these ‘feelings’ they can quickly spiral out of control. Sometimes, the great burden that brings such discontentment is a signal to me that I need to pray for the brokenness in this world. I am so very blessed with so much of the good things God has done in my life. That makes me feel the pressure of the burden for others even more. Thanks for sharing on Grace and Truth.
It’s so true that our feelings can spiral out of control quickly! Practicing thankfulness gives us fresh perspective!
Thanks for visiting today. 🙂
Beautifully written and a much needed message.
Thank you Michelle! I really appreciate that! Thanks for stopping by and commenting today. 🙂
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